


「Viet Kitchen」 - ダイニングエリア

Viet Kitchen


「Viet Kitchen」は、各国料理やベトナム料理など、多彩な料理をご堪能いただけるベトナム、ホーチミン市のオールデイダイニングレストランです。 本格的なインド料理から絶品海鮮料理まで、くつろいだ雰囲気の中でお召し上がりいただけます。

6:00 〜 22:00



「Kabin」は豪華でプライベートな雰囲気のあるレストランで、種類豊富な点心と本格的な広東料理のメニューをご用意しています。 魅力あるお料理と卓越したサービスという極上の体験をご予約でお楽しみください。

11:30 〜 14:30, 18:00 〜 22:00

R Bar


ヨーロッパ風カフェ「R bar」では、ビストロスタイルのお料理をご用意しています。 ホーチミンの活気を思わせる陽気な雰囲気の中で、タパスやおいしいワイン、趣向を凝らしたカクテルを生演奏とともにゆったりお楽しみください。

6:00 〜 23:00
「Liquid Sky」バー - 眺め

Liquid Sky Bar


プールサイドのすぐ横、21階の「Liquid Sky Bar」からの景色は格別です。 街の夜景や行き交う人を眺めながら、グルメなおつまみと一緒にワインやカクテルをご賞味ください。

17:00 〜 24:00


Benaras Heights - Indian Fiery Tandoor & Rooftop Bar

0.1 KM

Located on the 21st Rooftop of Renaissance Riverside Hotel by the poolside, where delicious kebabs are suffused with all the authentic aromas and secrets of traditional tandoori cooking, delivered in a sleek, modern, vibrant and social environment.
Tandoor Indian Restaurant

0.1 KM

Persevere to serve delicious non-vegetarian, vegetarian, vegan, and halal Indian food to guests of all origins. At Tandoor Saigon, the freshest authentic spices are ground in-house and combined with quality local produce for the ultimate Indian dining exp


0.5 KM

Small but relatively busy, K-Café is a frequent Japanese spot of many. Diners can watch the chefs showing their skills at the ground floor bar or choose seating upstairs in Japanese traditional setting.

Elisa Floating Restaurant

0.8 KM

Dine alfresco under the twinkling stars and glittering lights of HCMC on this elegant floating restaurant offering the best city views from the wooden sky deck.

Con Ga Trong

1.3 KM

Con Ga Trong Restaurant offers Khmer cuisine including salads, freshwater fish, seafood, beef, pork, chicken, and duck.
Ngon Restaurant

1.5 KM

Song Ngu

1.9 KM

Song Ngu Restaurant has been established since 1996 and become famous for its delicious, Vietnamese authentic and diversified menu.

Cục Gạch Quán

2.8 KM

One of the more popular Vietnamese restaurants in the city, Cục Gạch Quán serve delicious food amid a great atmosphere
Hum Vegetarian, Café & Restaurant

3.0 KM

At Hum, we serve only the freshest ingredients for a culinary experience that is not only delicious and fulfilling, but also nourishes the soul with peace, healthfulness, and grace.
Hoa Tuc Saigon

700.0 KM

At Hoa Tuc, you can taste the innovation within the familiarity – the food that has already dived deeply into your subconscious now seems amazingly different with the enthusiasm and creativity of the founder.